Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 24, 2017 : Consumer Science Awesomeness

Hey guys! Yesterday I had Consumer Science and baked something called apple crisp! Here is a pic of it :

And there's David in the pic again. He baked apple crisp with me yesterday while the rest of my group baked it today. Sorry, but I forgot to get the recipe, so I will give you the first recipe I made in Consumer Science! I created the blog 2 weeks after school started, so I have a few recipes I haven't shown. The recipe is for something called .............


Yeah, so now here's the recipe :

Oven : 375 degrees

2 Tbsp. Brown sugar
2 Tbsp sugar
1 / 2 tsp. cinnamon
3 Tbsp. butter or margarine
1 pkg. Refrigerator rolls or biscuits (10 in pkg)

1. Preheat oven.
2. Place butter in 8" round or square baking pan and place in oven to melt.
3. Meanwhile, measure cinnamon and both sugars into small Ziploc bag. Close bag and mix well.
4. Open the can of 10 refrigerator rolls and place on a large dinner plate. Using a kitchen shear cut each individual roll (or biscuit) into two even parts. Set aside until needed.
5. When butter is melted, remove pan from oven and place on heatproof surface.
6. Sprinkle cinnamon-sugar mixture oven melted butter; stir mixture.
7. Arrange the 20 "bubble" pieces on top of the mixture in an even pattern.
8. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. Invert onto serving plate.
9. Pull apart to serve; Enjoy!

Yeah, so that's the recipe. Also, I will not be able to add my short story onto the blog this month because we actually may need to go into November. But that's it, bye guys!

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