Sunday, October 15, 2017

October 15, 2017 : Recap for Cooking

Hey guys! Today I had to go to a group meeting for something called FLL, basically it's a Lego robotics competition. You can search it up online, so I'm not going to talk about it. Well, today I went to a friends house and made Snickerdoddles with him! I took a taste of it and it wasn't what I expected, I have had cinnamon candy and it had tasted horrible, so the cookies not so sugary taste was surprising! Here is a picture of the Snickerdoddles I brought home :

Also, here's some advice for the cooking part : Remember to flatten the dough when it is on the cookie sheet, or else you will come out with baked balls of dough. That's really it for today, and remember to check out yesterdays blog to try solving the code! Bye guys!

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